I need TFTP client that will GET/PUT files on/from server (Dont need the server)

I need TFTP client that will GET/PUT files on/from server (Dont need the server)
You can user libraries like libpcap, libnet, BSD socket, etc.
it should run on system GNU/Linux
reference system: https://vutbr-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/xvesel38_vutbr_cz/Ecthn_lpXplAuJROhs8UeEEB2nEf6KN_1dDHLN8H_ww-9A?e=LlQILE
Here is the output example:
$ mytftpclient
> -R -d /home/user/readme.txt -a,169 -c octet
[2014-09-15 20:59:11.190] Requesting READ from server
[2014-09-15 20:59:11.454] Receiving DATA … 1536 B of 2012545 B

[2014-09-15 20:59:18.454] Transfer completed without errors

it has to have few parameters:
-R/W -d -t -s -a address,port -c mode -m
R or W (compulsory)
it specifies if the client will read file from server or send file on server
-d (compulsory)
specifies file
timeout in seconds. Client will ask server for timeout where server can (dont have to) accept. It specifies time before retransmission of unconfirmed data
maximal block size in multiples of octets. For the upper limit consider smallest of MTU from every interface on which client can send TFTP message
client asks server for transfer dat throught multicast
mode that can be “ascii” (or “netascii”) or “binary” (or “octet”)
implicitly it is set on octet (or binary)
address and port of the server in IPv4 or IPv6 on which the service can run if it is not specified consider IPv4 localhost therefore and port 69 (,69)

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