Here’s what you need to work on before tackling your annotated bibliography: You

Here’s what you need to work on before tackling your annotated bibliography:
Your body paragraphs need to analyze characters and literary elements/devices that prove your thesis statement is valid; the reader always must see a clear connection between your body paragraphs and your thesis statement. Once you know what you need to analyze in your body paragraphs, you will have an easier time researching sources for your annotated bibliography/final research paper.
Thesis statement: The theme of the epic centers on anger in The Aeneid by Virgil.
You must provide at least four sources in your bibliography.
In general, each source should be a critical argument about the literature you’ve chosen for your research paper. Sources that only provide plot summary or general overviews are not acceptable (therefore, avoid sources like “Masterplots” articles in GMC Library that consist mostly of plot summary). The sources must provide opinionated arguments concerning the literature, or be clearly relevant to both the literature and topic about which you’re writing.
The annotation for each source should be one thorough, organized paragraph in length.
You must include a brief summary and analysis of the source, which includes the author’s thesis and main points. Then, provide a brief explanation of how the source is useful or relevant to your paper.
Click here for more information on how to write annotated bibliographies.
MLA Style
Your paper must be formatted according to MLA format (this includes having a header, double spacing throughout the document, appropriate font, etc.)
Use correct MLA in-text documentation as needed.

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