Hello! I’m wondering if you can do this following project for me within the atta

I’m wondering if you can do this following project for me within the attachment in Java. I just don’t have time to work on this myself due an emergency.
This is Data Stuctures, so you have to make your own ADTs and such.
For example, if you need to use an ArrayList, you can’t use the built-in ones in Java, you have to make your own. My previous project which involves a Priority Queue/Binary Tree, we had to build them from scratch using my ArrayList which I built. Each new class/adt needs to be its own file. (Ex. PriorityQueue.java)
The only things you can import is stuff for importing/reading/writing a file (java.io.File/PrintStream, util.Scanner, etc) but everything else must be built from scratch. I’ve provided my ArrayList which you can freely used, named ArrayListStack.java and StackADT.java. If something is unclear, please let me know.
The input files are all in “Input Files.zip” and the output files must be named pretty much the same, but with Output at the end. (Ex. Input: asc1K.dat -> asc1KOutput.dat) and format it in a nice output if possible.
So, the idea is, if using Eclipse, when you run the program, it will take those input files, compute the results, and store them in the output file. When running the program, it should also display (via System.out.println) on what “string” or “input” is currently being processed. There should also be error cases that should print out.
The assignment mentions to use either iteration or recursion. Please use iteration for both sorts.
Can’t use most built-in import Java libraries except for file reading/writing/runtime, must create classes.
How the program will work (If Eclipse), Run -> Takes Input .dat Files -> Processes/Let User know via System.println -> Output files
Also print the run times as well as mentioned at the bottom of the assignment.
Also once you finished this, can you answer some questions for me on a notepad? For I also need to write a report about it.
1) What is the time and space complexity, and why?
2) Why iteration over recursion?
3) What happens if recursion was chosen?
Once you read the assignment (assignment.png), and if you can do all of it, please let me know!

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