For your second research assignment Part I, you will research, acquire, read and

For your second research assignment Part I, you will research, acquire, read and analyze a primary source. The primary source must come from a reputable source including academic, tribal, governmental, or historical society websites. The document can pertain to whatever tribe or topic you are interested in, but must be within the time parameters of the course pre-Contact-1865. Please review your syllabus to remember the difference between a primary source and a secondary source. Here is an example of a website with information about primary sources and secondary sources:
Post a link to the document in the discussion board and in the assignment area and provide the following:
The link for the document including a full citation:
Summarize the article in three paragraphs answering the following:
-How have you determined the document is a primary source?
-What is the main focus/topic of the primary?
-What did you find most interesting historically or new from this source?
IT HAS TO BE A PRIMARY SOURCE. Use the link above to get it from.

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