For this writing assignment you will have to write ten sentences using the Prete

For this writing assignment you will have to write ten sentences using the Preterit Tense. Here are examples of complete sentences using the Preterit: Ayer yo desayuné en casa con mis hermanos. Ayer yo miré la televisión por dos horas. El fin de semana pasado yo y mi familia limpiamos la casa. Answer the following question: “¿Qué hiciste tú ayer?” You must write six different sentences choosing from the following verbs. Check for spelling changes (that includes accents, changes from z to c, changes from g to gu, changes from c to qu) Sentence 1. Choose either entregar or mandar. Sentence 2. Choose either almorzar or pagar. Sentence 3. Choose either beber or leer. Sentence 4. Choose either oír or jugar. Sentence 5. Choose either comenzar or sacar. Sentence 6. Choose either escribir or regalar. Now answer this question: “¿Qué hicieron tú y tus amigos el fin de semana pasado?” or “¿Qué hicieron tú y tu familia el fin de semana pasado?” You must write 4 different sentences choosing from the following verbs. Sentence 7. Choose either bailar or salir. Sentence 8. Choose either ver or comer. Sentence 9. Choose either cenar or estudiar. Sentence 10. Choose either prometer or prestar. Please number your sentences. Due 11/17/21 12pm

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