Description: A new hospital is seeing an increase in the number of their patient

Description: A new hospital is seeing an increase in the number of their patients. They want to create a software system that manage their employees and patients. A part of their software requirement is given below. You also are required to do a self-study on how the out-patient departments of hospitals function and create a design for managing the department. Requirements: The people in the clinic are either staff members or patients. The hospital works in three shifts, each of 8 hours. The first shift starts at 7am and staff members are required to punch-in. All staff members work only in one shift. The staff members are either Administrative Staff, Operations Staff, or Technical Staff. A patient first approaches the front desk and registers to see a doctor based on availability and the receptionist issues a number to the patient to wait in queue. A patient is then met by the Operations staff, i.e. the doctors, surgeons, or nurses. Based on the outcome of the consultation the patient goes to front desk to finalize the payment of their visit and exits the system. The hospital also has Technical Staff, who are the surgical technologists that deal with surgical equipment and technicians that manage other office equipment. All relevant details like IDs, names, salaries, addresses, and phone numbers, of the patients and staff members are stored in the hospital system. At any point in time, the system is able to generate reports to show the details of staff members that are on a particular shift, the number of patients that are in queue, and the number of patients or technical issues handled by each staff member. Submission: Submit a report that has the following: A paraphrased description of the system based on the requirements given above and a self-study of the required system. A list of all classes (related attributes and behaviors), relationships between classes, and assumptions made. UML class diagram with all class relationships included. Python code that represent classes, which includes the constructor, setter/getter, and other functions for the given requirements. 5% of the total score will be allocated for good documentation of the code and timely submission Report Format Title Page: Include case-study title, student ID, and full name Problem Analysis (20%): In this section, based on given requirements and self-study, a detailed list of all the requirements is given. The list of all classes, their attributes, and behaviors are also listed with data types. Functional Design (20%): In this section, the algorithm or flow chart is provided to explain the logical flow that will drive the use of the system. File structure and information stored in files are described. Class Design (30%): The UML class diagram, with class relationships, and cardinality for the business case is provided. Each relationship is explained, and assumptions are listed. Pseudocode (20%): In this section, provide the Python class structures for all the identified classes with required functionalities. The testing of the system is NOT required. Conclusion (5%): In this section include a reflection on what was learned in this exercise, the challenges faced while working on this assignment, and how the system can be further expanded.

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