Dear writer ! Here report and powerpoint presentation is needed. We need you to

Dear writer ! Here report and powerpoint presentation is needed.
We need you to estimate the required number of pages and slides for it.
Group Project Description and Rubric
You are assigned to a group of 4 students to conduct a database project during the semester. Each group is to identify a real-world database development project. You are required to analyze, design, and implement a prototype database system using MySQL for your identified project. The subject could be an organization that you are employed with or an organization you are observing. Contacts with a representative from the particular organization are encouraged but not required.
If the students did not participate in any parts of the group project, they will receive a 0 for the final group project grade!
The deliverables of the project are (TOTAL SCORE: 100 pts):
A. mid-term presentation (5 pts)
B. final presentation(60pts)
C. project report (30 pts)
D. individual team member rating (5 pts)
A. A mid-term presentation to the instructor (5 pts)
a. A general description or the introduction of the company where the group project is being conducted, which includes: business goals of the company and products/services provided by the company etc. (1 pt)
b. Identify and report user requirements for your group project (1 pt)
c. (Conceptual Data Modeling) Draw a basic Entity-relationship diagram based on user requirements described in item b (3 pts)
B. Final presentation and code demonstration (power point or equivalent).Each group is given 10 min. to present your project to the class and demonstrate your database implementation. One or two representatives from each group must present. Must contain the following: (60 pts)
a. A General description or a introduction of the company where the group project is being conducted, which includes: business goals of the company and products/services provided by the company etc. (2 pts)
b. Identify and report user requirements for your group project. (8 pts)
c. (Conceptual Data Modeling) Draw Entity-relationship diagram based on user requirements described in item 2 (20 pts).
d. (Logical Database Design) Convert Entity-relationship data (ERD) model into a relational data model (10 pts).
e. (Implementation in MySQL) Implement relations in the relational data model developed in item 4 by using DDL and DML in MySQL. Populate sample data into these tables (20 pts): (1). Tables, columns, keys, etc. with at least 20 rows of data per table. (10 pts); (2). 5 SQL Queries inclusive of at least 3 JOINs; (5 pts); (3). 2 Views and 2 Stored procedures. (5 pts)
C. A project report documents the process and the results of your group project. The report should have at least the following: (30 pts)
a. General description (1 pts)
b. User requirements (4 pts)
c. Conceptual Data Modeling (10 pts)
d. Logical Database Design (5 pts)
e. Implementation in MySQL (10 pts)
D. Individual team member (5 pts)

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