Why I Believe Myself to be a Leader: An Analysis of Leadership Methods Used in Completing an Extensive Study on Leadership in Secondary Education


Please write a 2 page extra credit paper for a doctoral program outlining why I believe myself to be a leader. Please write this in third person and follow a strict APA format.
In the paper please describe the leadership methods used to get a 5 group team to submit a very extensive study on leadership in secondary education.
Some of the challenges our team experienced during our paper were: father’s in the ICU, a member was hospitalized for 2 days for blood clots and even the fact we had a members in various time zones: Hawaii, Chicago, Atlanta, UAE Emirates, and we still persevered through (insert leadership theory here).
Please support you declarative statements with theory and sources. Our professor will dock points for these things.
Here is a brief bio about me so that you can write this from my point of view: Brittany is a College Program Coordinator, loves efficiency but also can deal with people, is task-oriented, and delegates well. In her daily roles she is often required to combine creativity with efficiency.or in other words a blend of soft and hard skills to get projects done.


Brittany, a coordinator for college programs, has a strong belief in her capacity for leadership. She thinks she is a natural leader since she can mix her creative and practical sides. When Brittany was tasked with leading a five-person team to finish an in-depth analysis of leadership in secondary school, her leadership techniques were put to the test. The team encountered several difficulties while working on the project, such as time zone differences and family emergencies, but Brittany persisted thanks to her leadership style, which was a blend of the task- and people-oriented approaches.

The transformational leadership theory is one of the main theories of leadership that can be used to explain Brittany’s strategy. According to this notion, a leader should be able to motivate their followers to realize their full potential and make substantial contributions to the accomplishment of a shared objective (Bass, 1985). This philosophy served as the foundation for Brittany’s leadership style as she encouraged her team to do well despite the different difficulties they encountered. Despite the challenging circumstances, she motivated her staff to put forth their best effort in completing the job.

Additionally, Brittany’s leadership style worked well since she was a skilled delegate. The ability to effectively distribute work to team members through delegation is a crucial leadership quality (Daft, 2014). The team was able to finish the project on time thanks to Brittany’s skillful work delegation. She made sure every team member was aware of their duties and responsibilities and that they had the tools they needed to complete their assignments.

Brittany’s leadership style benefited greatly from her efficiency and creativity. With the use of these abilities, she was able to structure the project, organize the crew, and divide the work into manageable chunks. According to the situational leadership theory (Hersey & Blanchard, 1982), effective leaders should be able to modify their leadership style to match the demands of their followers and the current scenario. This strategy is in line with that idea.

In conclusion, Brittany was able to successfully lead a five-person team through a challenging study on leadership in secondary education thanks to her leadership style, which combined task- and people-oriented approaches, delegation skills, and an efficient and creative nature. The application of the transformational and situational leadership theories to Brittany’s leadership style illustrates the efficacy of her leadership techniques. These theories provide a framework for understanding and assessing her leadership style.


B. M. Bass (1985). performance and leadership above and beyond expectations. Free Press, New York.

R. L. Daft (2014). the knowledge of leadership. Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT.

P. Hersey and K. H. Blanchard (1982). Utilizing human resources for organizational behavior management. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

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