As city comptroller of Dixon, IL, Rita Crundwell stole $53 million of public fun

As city comptroller of Dixon, IL, Rita Crundwell stole $53 million of public funds across 20 years; making her the perpetrator of the largest case of municipal fraud in American history. She used the funds to build one of the nation’s leading quarter horse breeding empires, all while forcing staff cuts, police budget slashing, and neglect of public infrastructure.
ALL THE QUEEN’S HORSES investigates her crime, her lavish lifestyle and the small town she left in her wake.
Watch the documentary “All the Queen’s Horses”, links to watch free are below.

Submit an analysis of the documentary utilizing the knowledge you have gained during this course.
The analysis should be approximately one typewritten page. If you feel you need to write more, you may, but do your best to keep things brief.
Your analysis should address the following topics:
1. How was Rita Crundwell able to steal so much over such a long period of time without anyone noticing?
2. Were there any internal controls in place that should have stopped her, or at least made it more difficult for her?
3. How was Rita Crundwell able to bypass the internal controls that were supposed to be in place?
4. Of the internal controls that were supposed to be in place and that were described in the documentary, do you think that they would have been adequate to either stop the fraud from occurring, or uncover it much sooner than it was had they been enforced?
5. What changes could be made to either the internal controls described or the enforcement of the internal controls in general to make it more difficult for a similar type of fraud to occur again?
* my note:
Please see the two video links listed above and answer the five questions listed above. This is forensic accounting class. Please use forensic accounting terms as professor wants to see what I’ve learned in class. Thank you!

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