Answer each question between 75 and 100 words but answer as succinctly as necess

Answer each question between 75 and 100 words but answer as succinctly as necessary fully answer the question.
Q1. In your own words, define Public Administration. How is Public Administration different from politics?
Q2. Compare the role played by each of the following in keeping public administration accountable to the public AND to elected officials: a) freedom of information laws, b) sunshine laws, and 3) sunset laws.
Q3. Compare and contrast block grants, project grants, categorical grants and formula grants. What are they and what are the political consequences of each (i.e. benefits and disadvantages of each).
Q4. What are the respective advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization in an organizational structure?
Q5. Compare and contrast the rational decision-making approach with incrementalism. Provide the benefits and disadvantages of each. Which would you more often utilize, and why?
Q6. Discuss how and why executive power seems to increase after every emergency or crisis situation. Why doesn’t executive authority simply revert to what it was before the crisis occurred?
Q7. Briefly describe the following modes of public personnel administration. Government by:
· “gentlemen”
· the “common person”
· the “good”
· the “efficient”
· “administrators”
· “professionals”
· “citizens, experts, and results”
In your estimation, which mode of public personnel administration is preferable? Explain your choice.
Q8. Define Fiscal Policy. Explain how taxation, government expenditures, management of the national debt, and tax expenditures (tax breaks) can be used by the national governments as tools of fiscal policy?
Q9. Briefly describe to concept of privatization within the context of public administration. What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of pursuing such a program?
Q10. Having been introduced this semester to the governing arena known as “Public Administration”, has your earlier opinion of “bureaucracy” remained as it was, or has it changed? Use this question to expand on what you have learned this semester.

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