According to the above news article on Afghanistan refugees’ situation, the US-l

According to the above news article on Afghanistan refugees’ situation, the US-led
military withdrawal has led to enormous sufferings for the people of Afghanistan.
Consequently, the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan and reset political and social
order on 14 August 2021.
We come to the ethical issues related to the learnt reasonings and theories:
Can the US-led coalition be justified in withdrawing its troops from the country? With
reference to the topics of critical thinking covered in the course, please give one reason to
support your answer. (10%)
Should the soldiers in the coalition in the coalition be regarded as being wrong? Please
use deductive reasoning to elaborate your viewpoints. (20%) In this reasoning, please
employ two of the following ethical theories to form your argument, which include
premise(s) and conclusion (20%):
i. Teleological Ethics (Utilitarianism)
ii. Deontological Ethics
iii. Virtue Ethics

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