1) As a final assignment for this course, you will analyze a social problem of y

As a final assignment for this course, you will analyze a social problem of your choice. The goal of your research will be a 2 (at most 3) page analysis. You will need to look at both popular and scholarly work on the subject. Preferably, choose a social problem that you have not already covered in a previous assignment.SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS FOR YOUR SOCIAL PROBLEM ANALYSIS:  Option 1Select a social problem and write about the following:  
How has the social problem you have chosen come to be defined as a “problem”?   
What are the causal factors (social, political, economic and/or cultural) that have led to the social problem’s definition as a social problem? 
Why has the social problem you have chosen remained in or fallen out of the public spotlight?
Option 2Select a social problem and write about it from a cross-cultural or historical perspective: 
Explain the diverse reactions to similar social conditions across selected cultural and social settings. 
Why is a particular social phenomenon considered a social problem in one setting, but not in another?  Compare two different countries/cultures or compare different historical eras within the same country/culture.
Option 3Select a social phenomenon or condition and analyze or argue for why this has not become a social problem.
What are the causal forces that have kept a social phenomenon from becoming defined as a social problem?
Sample topic ideas:How did child abuse come to be defined as a social problem in the U.S.?Why was marijuana illegal for such a significant period of time, but not alcohol?When or why children born out of wedlock became a social problem?Why is the physical punishment of children considered a problem in some settings but not in others? Why do some cultures define FGM as a social problem and others see it as a beneficial practice? 
Go to your textbook at http://chemofcooking.openbooks.wpengine.com/chapter/types-of-thickening-agents/ and list 10 thickening agents and describe where they come from. (Consider the name of the thickener, description of where it comes from, creativity, and spelling/grammatics; consider how your attachment would appear in a food magazine, do not copy and paste). Use a word document and attach below.

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