1. Submit a case study on Canvas. Use your textbook as a guide to review case st

1. Submit a case study on Canvas. Use your textbook as a guide to review case studies but your case must not be plagiarized. Give a brief introduction of the patient (date, time, place, how they got there and with whom, as well as their presenting symptoms and assessment. Include everything that is done to that patient and any symptoms displayed from admission to discharge.Also include a diagnosis (if known) tests with results, treatments with results and a discharge plan. Use a combination total of 10 medical terms and/or no more than 3 abbreviations to explain your case.Tell where you got your information. Follow the formatting your paper that is outlined in the syllabus and read the syllabus for additional information including format and work cited.
2. The assignment should be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Be prepared to post your case study on or prior to the due date. Also, include the definitions the medical terms, prefixes, suffixes, and/or abbreviations within the summary and listed separately. Please use a bold font, highlight, or underline, within the summary for your terms

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